2023 Medica event

2023 Medica AiQ Interview questions

Questions for the interview video :

  • How does AiQ Smart Clothing’s innovative textile technology, like the Bioman+ garment, play a role in advancing healthcare, and what specific medical applications can benefit from it?
  • How does AiQ envision its role in contributing to the development of regulatory frameworks and standards for integrating smart clothing into healthcare practices?
  • AiQ Smart Clothing is a long-term partner of Wearable Technologies, how are you benefiting from your engagement with this network?

AiQ 專訪視屏中被提問的問題 :

  • AiQ 的創新紡織技術(如 Bioman+ 服裝)如何在推進醫療保健方面發揮作用,那些特定的醫療應用可以從中受益?
  • AiQ 如何設想推動法規制定框架和標準, 來將智慧服裝融入醫療保健方面的實踐?
  • AiQ是德國WT公司的長期合作夥伴,AiQ如何從與該公司的合作中受益?

2023 MEDICA – AiQ Interview video by WT

2023德國杜塞道夫國際醫療展MEDICA – WT AiQ專訪